Sunday, May 20, 2012

We Shoot To Make The World Smaller Than It Is

WT Gator07:47
Pardon my cynicism but tourists making this place hip doesn't take away the poverty. If anything, making a spectacle of it makes it worse. When you take the photographs, you do it as a beggar and share their lives. Rich foreign tourists carrying thousands of dollars of camera gear do not do that. What is your take on the sudden popularity of Bandra Bazar Road, +Firoze Shakir ?

Firoze Shakir07:59 (edited)Edit
Manuela Anjali are friends of Magic Eye the person who introduced me to blogging we share a unique bond ,, he wanted to shoot rustic bandra where I live so I invited them over to share to the topography of lost time.. they are very good people and not tourists.

Bandra Bazar is the most filthy dirty area where I live I wanted my friends to shoot it and show my agony my pain through their pictures ..

Mind you I want a better world for our children.. and so my grand children are photographers too.

This was a day away from the humdrum pain of life as a beggar poet paying host to good friends.

I hope one day all of you come to Mumbai and I will show you around I could write an imaginary post...

Jack and Pio walking near the garbage dump shooting egrets..Danny Burks with his girl friend holding my grand daughter Marziyas hands.. Sofie and Rodney having an animated conversation with the crippled beggar.. Luiz feeding stray cats.. and I could go on weaving dreams and all this while I am shooting Birgit as she wearing an Indian dress poses for me away from the maddening Gplus criwd.. are you tourists aw no you are not/

Rodney Pike making caricatures of the local goon ..

Sarah Miles having a live hang out from Bandra Bazar Road/

So you know I live my dreams .. on the soul of your poetry too

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