Monday, November 7, 2011

I Feel Pain 24/7

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a mystic poet
a beggar poet
my name
is my inheritance
from the soul
of humanity
i claim
what the muslims
sacrifice on bakra eid
i sacrifice
in hussains name
my blood sweat tears
a cleavage of my scalp
gray matter and brain
a heretic they call me
my notoriety i disclaim
doing tandav
dance of death
on the soul
of shimr
a shia hindu
i became
for me
bakra eid
are both same
hussain is
i proclaim
the blackest
of Islam
the ignominy
the shame
yazids darbar
72 heads
on a spear
bibi zainab
the lioness cub
of ali her
kutbas her fame
in the very
court of yazid
she lit flame

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