Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Blog of Peace Hope and Humanity Not Just A Shia Blog

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Shia angst defines the heritage of Shia pain known as Ghame Hussain nurtured kept alive since 1400 years, had we not shed our blood an expression of our intense love for Imam Hussain , just think this episode would have been conveniently forgotten by those in power , every effort was made by every Caliph to underplay the Tragedy of Karbala for the greater good of the lust for power and personal vested interest.

And today Cairo Tunisia Yemen show you that power is nothing but tyranny on the soul of the Humanity and this includes all the feudal lords of the Middle East including Saudi Arabia

The winds of change are blowing violently and the sands of time demand the rights of man that no despot can ever stop...

And on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.


Imam Hussain was no ordinary person , he was son of Imam Ali and the grandson of the Holy Prophet , he was murdered in cold blood, his family dispossessed , the genocide the ensuing shame the atrocities we bring to the fore as a passion play of our intense emotions , the Christians do it to with Good Friday and the 14 Stations of the Cross

When the rabid demented segment in the Islamic community wants to make a point, he drops bombs on innocent folks, kills and massacres , the entire Islamic society maintains a stony eunuch silence , it is only when the Shia cuts his own body , that pseudo sanctimonious Islamic society hurls abuse calls us heretics ,I am not a Islamic scholar or a preacher, I as a photo blogger who shoots all religiosity gender shoots all this to show you the arena of the Shia world during Moharam in India.

I cannot afford to go to Iraq Iran or Damascus , and honestly I have no desire or envy , if I did get the opportunity I would gladly give the passage amount and the ticket to the poorest of the poor Shia to make this once in a life time pilgrimage.

I am happy re discovering Karbala in India for me this is more important and though my work comes in the way, I have shot Moharam in most of the important cities of my beloved country.

And I a not bound by editorial constrains , once Moharam gets over I will remove my black clothes momentarily wear saffron , as a Hindu Shia shoot the Sufi Urus , Hindu feasts and festivals including the beggars the under privileged the hijras and the scums of humanity.

This morning I went to St Peter Cemetery Bandra to shoot the grave of a dear friend Fr Tort a Jesuit who although from Spain had made India his home and spread the message of Peace and Brotherhood the core ingredient of this blog.

I could not make it to Fr Torts funeral unfortunately.

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