Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Street Photographers Grave

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because his world was the street
a prolific photographer beggar poet
barefeet they thought of burying
him in a hole work in progress
grave incomplete telephone
wires internet cable wires
to help him breathe underneath
the one who caused his
premature death
sent him her
black soothing saree
as winding sheet
her musky fragrance
bitter and sweet
death rolls-eyes
a stopped heart beat
he died of a stroke
in his sleep
deleted doomed dreams
a cosmic circle complete
neither death nor his muse
he could not cheat
his heart his liver his spleen
in a bottle she kept
as mince meat
to make her favorite dish
three little bears will eat
god save the human soul
from wily woman's charms
her deviousness her deceit
pompousness and conceit
pretty and petite
dainty shoes flatfeet
lithe lissom but not an athlete
her divine body rose petals
her soul hard rocky concrete

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