Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In The Soul of The Irani Lies Hussain And Hindustan

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This is Mohomed Ali Aga Zaboli from Iran , he was born in India but later settled down in the country of his forefathers Iran..

I would see him year after year during Chelum in Mumbai I never spoke to him ever but shot his pictures .

And he did matam played the damam bleeding all over and thus years passed.. he was a face of Ghame Hussain and I shot him as such.

This year fate bought me to Hussain Tekri Jaorah and I met Mohomed Ali Agha through Ali Shah we traveled to Mumbai after completing the Chehlum at Jaorah and we became good friends , we both did Chehlum again the following day at Rehamatabad ..

Than Aga came home to see my family and just could not get over Marziya Shakir my grand daughter she shot his pictures and the Irani blood of sincerity and love is such every month come what may he calls me up simply to speak to Marziya and I am crying as I write this..

Agha left his Irani soul behind in the heart of Marziya..and when I give the phone to Marziya she talks to him as though she knows him for ages and she has met him only once.. but than when you connect through Hussain the relationship becomes one of a life time..

Now what drives Mohomed Ali Aga to come to do matam in India when he can go to Karbala Najaf Qoum .. it is a piece of land called Hindustan the same land that Imam Hussain had never seen but wanted to come to , simply because he did not want bloodshed Muslims killing Muslims but fate had something else in mind maybe Imam Hussain did not come to India at all and yet each Moharam he is there amidst us in every city where the Shia lives weeps for him and his Mother.

Mohomed Ali Aga cant do zanjir matam in Iran so he comes to India and though I saw him for so many years it is now we connected ..

I must also tell you something every year Mohomed Ali Agha saves money from his earnings and every year sends a poor Irani to Karbala with all expense paid.. I know he would not want me to mention this but I want to show you the heart of a Irani is his piety his devotion to Hussain his country and the country of his birth.

And I am adding text to a blog that was blank I added words and my tears too.. so blogging is not merely shooting a picture it is shooting an arrow into the heart of every man .. as thoughts poems and memories of pain and love.

And Agha is going to get his son married to an Indian Shia woman he confessed to me , so fascinated and besotted he is with Mother India.

And I dont have a daughter I would have given her hand gladly to this Mans son a Maulaiee and a slave of Hussain like me..

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