Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Poetizing The Soul of Photography Ara Alexander

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She met me at the recent Gay Parade and she is street savvy street smart street photographer and she is very beautiful.. god created her so she could create beautiful things..and she shoots beautiful pictures , the camera she possesses is the Canon Mach 5 so do I need to tell you more she is professional fashion and celebrity photographer too.

She is humble she shot me and her picture she shot is my new Facebook profile thumbnail.

So I did meet some great talented people here all contributing to the cause of getting rid of the matrix of evil in politics and in our laid back paperback society..

Everyone had something to say in praise of Anna Hazare and the proposed Jan Lokpal bill..

In case you guys are curious about Aras work check out her Facebook page

Ara Alexander

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube