Sunday, January 9, 2011

Guru Nanak Park Zanjir Matam Shot By Marziya Shakir 3 year Old

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Leaving aside 3 pictures I shot of the childrens zanjir matam at the Guru Nanak Park juloos all the zanjir pictures including this one was shot by the worlds youngest street photographer 3 year old Marziya Shakir on my Nikon D 80 .

Marziya Shakir is my grand daughter and she began shooting Moharam last year at this same juloos same place close to Almeida Park she was 2 years old and I had to assist her in holding the camera , not anymore now ...

So this is my introduction to the Guru Nanak Park juloos that begins from Bashiron Building by the Wazir brothers and winds its way to Almeida Park and culminates at the Bandra Shia Khoja Masjid.

I shot the majlis by Maulana Ahmed Abidi the Zuljana and went home bought Marziya Shakir who shot the zanjr pictures of the kids , than I dropped her home and about 11.30 pm came back alone to the Bandra Shia mosque and shot the hardcore zanjir matam, sword and kama matam by the Bandra Boyz of Yadgare Mehndi Anjuman..

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