Monday, August 16, 2010

Magic Eye and Me

137,485 items / 1,064,919 views

I met Magic Eye in 2005 at Fotothing , those days I was new to blogging and though I deleted all my old accounts due to someone hacking of my site , the hacker had done a great job posting porn on my religious Muslim posts that upset some right wingers in Lucknow where I had gone to shoot Moharam , I was new to blogging , and a bit scared too with the fatwas on me I deleted all blogs 11000 in one night both as Photographer No1 and Commentator No1 at Buzznet and Blogspot.

When things died down , I got back to blogging on Word Press and a new account at Blogspot, the only blog I did not delete was the one at Fotothing , my oldest presence on cyberspace and my archives

I had deleted my old Flickr accont and it was Deepak who introduced me to Flickr and the fine tuning of blogs.

We kept in touch but we had never met all these years and Indi Blogger bough us together yesterday at Sea Princess hotel .

I took up a new account with Flickr being prolific photographer shooting religion culture and Hijras or transgender .

I began my tryst with Flickr in June 2007..for me Flickr is my home where my pictorial dreams are born , all my blogs originate at Flickr...

I have till date posted 137,485 photo blogs at Flickr / 1,064,919 views in humility and gratitude to all you without your presence my presence would be nullified ..

So friends like Deepak Ambebal and my blogger friends at Buzznet helped me all the way., and if you read my Flickr profile you will get the gist of my life on cyberspace.

The most important lesson I learnt as a blogger was to moderate my stuff , not because I wrote it but at the other end somebody was reading me , I use F words but I have toned down my anger , after the birth of my grand daughter Marziya Shakir and my rants too have become minimalist..

It took me time and I realized because I blog because you Blog the world lives ..we are because of our Blogs.

I type with one finger due to a sword injury during Moharam, I am a Shia Muslim I participate in the events of my faith so my picture are bloody gory use your discretion , but I cant change my views my heritage or my cultural back ground because you dont like it so to keep hardcore insulting biased Shia baiters Indian baiters I strangulated my comment boxes everywhere save Facebook ..

I cross blog to Twitter and my other sites through Flickr I dont access them by logging in..

I use Twitter and Flick to pimp my blogs period..

And this post i have written or the young friends I made at Indi Blogger , brilliant brains with human hearts and the future a of my country and the pride of or Nation..

The Bloggers of India..

What happens a day after Independence day,well we are back into the murky world of life back to breaking news back to Common Wealth games back to mud slinging back to apathy.. back , yes our back to everything..

But here the blog keeps us alive we may not have answers but our pictures show you the dark areas and the texture of the tragedy of Time..

I will upload another batch and go to sleep again.

Thank You Deepak..and all of you at Indi Blogger .

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube