Monday, August 16, 2010

The Indi Bloggers Mumbai Meet In Conclusion

Another 21 pictures and I finally complete the Indi Bloggers Mumbai Meet set here at Flickr.I think I shot over 300 pictures in a few hours I could have shot double the amount if it was an outdoor event as my mind works better on the streets ..I hate flash I use the sun as my main light and the clouds as my reflectors..

Thank you all the Indi Blogger meet connected us through an offline event and we saw bloggers without their masks their fictitious avatars ..we some as blood bone and flesh and this what it takes to build a blog blood bones and flesh..

You will be read if you have something to say , even if you have nothing to say your blog will be read through the nuances of light and shade in your picture.. all poems are poems provided you learn to read them like poetry..

Than you Renie I am bad with names and all your team mates the bloggers the floggers and the hoggers too.. and the sloggers well they are faceless and work without names.

Thank you Gul Panag..

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube