Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fucked In Love On The Sky Walk

he is not sure
whether to jump
over the sky walk
he has two wives
5 mistresses
5 mobile phones
on which he
sweet talks
convincing one
than the other
fucked in love
but he rocks
to his bad love
he is fucked
broke kadka
all the time
but women
bar girls
into the matrix
of his live love
flock no its not
that he is cocky
or cock sure
this mohawk
but it is true
he has fathered
a lot of kids
out of wed lock
the legitimate ones
from his two wives
are a bakers dozen
part of loves
when i shot him
he was talking
to his bar dancer
girl friend
in Bangkok
a film buff of
horror movies
he has seen
all the psychotic
of Alfred Hitchcock
his body language
of this tom hawk
through a poem
his picture
i locked

this is a gibberish poem..on the fucked ass of a pedantic pompous pedagogic pederast living in a tower of babble I have gun cocked

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