Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flag This

Flag This, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.

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Selling flags is nothing but making money for the person that runs this industry , and I dont know what is his stake , all this has not been part of my curiosity, I shoot the streets and this subject of kids selling our flags falls under the purview of street photography.

Most of the kids I shot I never saw them again , and I shot them with a passion , and this was a day they sold flags instead of their standard begging at street signals.

A family matriarch near my workplace makes thread umbrellas with wire and the kids sell this too, the brooches she has in her hand are much sought by people that display them on their chests live freedom fighters medals..

People get upset with this flag selling mania justifiably so as after the Independence day gets over you find the national flags honor disrespected lying on the road in gutter and trampled upon this hurts all of us.This is the flip side of flag selling..

But flags are as much part of this day as the patriotic songs that are played on the streets.

And an imaginary wish if the Independence was celebrated every day these kids would be selling flags and not begging as they normally do, this a poets dream as much as mine as yours..

And I have got up for my 8 roza or fast of Ramzan think I have lost count..

In our house the breaking of the fast s the greatest moment for my grand daughter Marziya , she thinks she is breaking fast too...

And I am adding description tittle to these pictures shot a few days back.

I have a new lot of pictures I shot of Minara Masjid and Bohri Mohalla , I shot the Ganesha workshops with Marziya who has shot about a dozen or more pictures of the artisans herself on my Nikon D80 and it will be one hell of a problem to find out what she shot or I shot we shoot almost identically though her perspective is much lower than mine.

And the Lord lives in the third eye of her soul ...she does not need a camera to shoot pictures ..

And she is now as cool as a cucumber not shy and shoots with confidence impossible for a two and a half year child.

And she is a gifted child born to Flickr...3 months away from her third birthday.

And I thank all of you for your love comments at Facebook for Marziya Shakir Pro...

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