Sunday, May 16, 2010

Marziya And The New Goat

125,542 items / 900,689 views

Firstly I have till date posted 125542 photos at Flickr and my photo stream has been viewed 900689 times , I thank all those who see my world a cosmos of street pain within street photography.

Marziya loves goats and her favorite was Jimba who was slaughtered by his owners for Bakra Idd last year.

This is a new goat outside the Rajiv Nagar slums , we pass this goat when I take Marziya to my work place sometimes.

I shot several frames , and even today the goat stood up the moment he saw Marziya.

Today is a special day as Marziya shot pictures on the street with my Nikon D 80 I have to hold the camera that she has round her neck, this is compulsory each time she takes my camera from me the strap goes round her neck.

She is no more shy and does not get riled when people gather around to see what she is shooting..

Both shots she pressed the trigger confidently both shots are unique I shall post after this.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube