Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Woman's Day Today

a burden
on her head
every day
a reminder
a curse
for being
born a woman
she must pay
her dues
to fucked society
in every way
flip side
of a woman
a commodity
buy sell resell
at life's doorway
a woman
a half burnt
on a mans ashtray
smoke without fire
burnt half way
woman the only
cheap toy
mans loves to play
use abuse
a suitable excuse
in every way
served piping hot
on a silver tray
fucked forever
some foreplay
woman waiting
for justice
on doomsday
an androgynous god
turns his head away
on woman's day
he has nothing
much to say
a misplaced tribute
to woman
a mockery
a sham
of her vulnerability
her untimely decay
a mother
a daughter
a sister
come what may

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