Monday, January 11, 2010

My Kama Matam Hyderabad

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I had cut my head on Ashura day at Bargah in the morning , but after I tried to push it in deep , they pulled away the dagger from my hand had me bandaged up immediately.

Later in the evening I pulled away the bandage and cut my head leaping with the dagger in the air,a metaphoric moment that I call Tandav on the Soul of Shimr..and my camera hung around my neck...there was no one to shoot the choreography of my inner angst, my camera was a mute witness of my emotional journey as it flew winglessly with me in the air...

I was again bandaged up, as the bleeding would not stop due to my diabetic state, and I dont take my medicine or insulin at all when I am on spiritual trip like this..

I resumed my insulin and my medicinal dosage once I returned to Mumbai..

This picture was taken the day after Ashura , the day I was to leave for Mumbai I had got rid of the blood stained bandage , I had applied nothing not even rose water..

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