Sunday, January 17, 2010

Busheri Matam of Mumbai

Busheri Matam is a specialty of the Imamwada Shias and those from Moghul Masjid and close by areas, it has a Irani origin, and it is performed as a circle, one person holding the other persons waist and moving round and round to the Irani noha recited by the person in the center.

The Busheri Matam is seen more graphically as a top shot, and I think I will try to shoot it from Bashiron where it will be held next week at the Guru Nanak Park juloos organized by the Wazir brothers.

The Busheri matam requires ample space , but people do it in close and congested quarters too, this is a spiritual choreography of pain we call Ghame Hussain.

I shot several frames at the Bandra East Juloos series at Flickr.

The Imamwada anjumans showcase this to the far far areas they go for Shabbedari.

This has a Mumbai patent hallmark of Shia faith.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube