Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wife No 1 v/s Wife No 2

Wife No 2
is from Lucknow
she makes
idli sambhar
instead of pilao
wife no 1
is the internet
she says
raising the rolling pin
her eyebrows
monsoon lover
is invited
to join us even now
surfing sorrow
only pain to browse
a burning house
of matrimony
he may help to douse
she starts calling me names
scoundrel rascal and a louse
she as given me an ultimatum
either the internet or her
she will move back
to her mothers house
wife no1 v/s wife no 2
a computer a keyboard
and a frightened mouse
nothing not even karma
my frickin good luck
can ever arouse

dedicated to my dear brother sudip da/ monsoon lover

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