Thursday, August 6, 2009


Shot by Subhash Solanki

ASIIPC, Hon. PSI, Hon. PAI, Hon. PAB, ARP always insisted on the long list of his achievements after his name , he was proud in a humble way of his photographic accomplishments.

He worked hard to attain them, his only problem was he was not much net savvy and to my knowledge did not have a computer or internet like his best friend Mr KG Maheshwari.

It was at his house I met Bhupesh Little , and many stalwarts of photography including Anil Risal Singh both from my home town Lucknow.

The first time I was invited to Mr KG Maheshwaris birthday party, many years back, he called me up to extend the invitation , but told me quite politely that I should tone my dress code for the sake of Mrs KG Maheshwari.

Yes I was a wild dresser with a crazy sense of sartorial taste.

I met a lot of photographers here , it was an experience , and I met Anil Bhartiya another great fan of Maheshwariji.

We had lunch, the three of us Maheshwariji Jatkar Saab and me.

Than we became much closer as I was chosen to sit as a model for Maheshwariji at his house and Mr Jatkar was part of this photo shoot.

We had another photo shoot organized at Nasik at Mr Maheshwarijis Coin or Numismatic Museum , here I learnt outdoor lighting using the sun,I shot B/W those days , I used Dleta Ilford 100 ASA .

I accompanied Mr BW Jatkar to the biullock cart races , the seagull shoots across the harbor,Banganga , Haji Ali , Gokul Ashtami., Dahi Handi ..

The Presidentship of Mr BW Jatkar was one of the most creative periods in photography at my camera club PSI Mumbai.

Those days much before the camera era , I would shoot pictures B/W make contact sheets , that Mr Jatkar would mark, the ones he marked I had them enlarged to 4/6 ..I would again send them to him , for his views , from what he chose I had prints blown for Salon participation, prints were enlarged and printed by an ace Satyendra Dalvi.

Processing of my B/W was first done at Huzefar Rasiwalla, than Vishal Bhende and finally it was one of his brilliant ex students Mahindra Patil also a photographer who processed them for Shivaji Park.

Color printing those days was at Swastik Color lab Dadar, personally supervised by Late Bhai Humne.

Prof BW Jatkar was a life member of FIP Kolkatta and was very close to Mr Subroto Ray and Mr Benu Sen.

He was a member of IIPC Delhi..very close to the Sharmas.

We have all lost a very dear friend, and I think those he touched will never ever forget him.

He was extremely close to Mr Subhash Solanki , they held workshops at Sujo .

And come to think of it the first time I met MR BW Jatkar it was at Subhashjis camera shop.

I request all his friends those who have any of his personal pictures with him , to send it to me to add to my set on Flickr so that the contribution of this dynamic man will be at one place and never be forgotten..

Lastly people like BW Jatkar are not born everyday..they die but yet live in the hearts of people they loved and people who loved him will never forget him ever.

I hope his daughter Shivani in Chicago reads this and gets in touch with me.

PSI must have a special memorial service form him,and this is my personal request to Mr Prasad Pawaskar erstwhile Secretary of Photographic Society of India Mumbai .

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube