Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Save Ram Setu

Save Ram Setu
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

Last week a chariot bedecked with flowers and a huge stone from Ram Setu was on display, the procession was drawn from people of Bandra Bazar Road..
there was a large crowd taking darshan and prasadam..

'Save Ram Sethu' is an international campaign jointly promoted by a growing number of international organizations to oppose the destruction of Ram Sethu, also known as Adam's Bridge. The Sethu Samudram Shipping Canal Project undertaken by the Indian Government will destroy this bridge.

Latest Ram Sethu News

International groups have jointly launched the Save Ram Sethu campaign against the continuing destruction of a symbol of the Hindu faith in the narrow sea between India and Sri Lanka. Ram Sethu ( called Adam's Bridge by the British ) which is seen as one of Hinduism's holiest sites, is an ancient chain of shoals that once linked India's southern areas to Sri Lanka's northwest. It is being destroyed by the Sethu Samudram Shipping Canal Project (SCCP) to create a navigable waterway in the narrow sea dividing the two countries. [more]

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