Thursday, December 6, 2007

I am Back

I am Back
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

I have a score to settle
With a lady poet
Not the one who is
A Duck who opens
Her godly lips
And goes Quack Quack Quack
I have a score to settle
With a lady poet
Who has been talking
Shit about me behind my back
Some boy poet lit
Fire to her ratings along
With her poems in the haystack
So she keeps hitting me
Not realizing that
I am a hard nut to crack
Yes I in the solitary confinement
Of her heart
I am all I am is me
Joker also the Ace
In the pack
Making love
To her metaphorically’
In the roomy
comforts of her
home sick haversack

Hubcap Shithead

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