Friday, November 16, 2007

Episode 1- Witches of Armageddon

Episode 1- Witches of Armageddon
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy

The three hideous
Witches of Armageddon
Reminiscent of an Elizabethan Age
In the bubbling cauldron
Jefferson Carter
Firoze Shakir
Goldi Locks
All three poets
Poems burning in rage
Three little dolls
Being pricked
Their poetic souls
In a poem hunter cage
The Witches ably assisted
By a few disgruntled
Pederast perverted
Horny wizards of Oz
Who want their agenda to
Take centre stage
Collectively a battle
Of the Sexus Nexus Plexus
They wage
Defecating hate
Comments on my poetry
Web page
These meddlesome minions
Their pee sized brains
In a pre developmental stage
Hurts on my lashed soul
Repeated beatings on
My generous genitalia
Jung Adler Freud
And my anal stage

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