Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1
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Breaking News
Poem hunter poets have gone on strike
Better living conditions gratuity bonus
Two months annual leave
And salary hike
This thought the administration of poem hunter
Presently a clone of third Reich
Did not like so the talks between them
And the union leader Mr. Trade Martin
The Poem hunter support the laziest bunch
Did try to spike
Ted Sheridan Howlin David Hazell
And the Union lawyer Tara Mc Hale
Said enough is enough they would counter strike
But some turncoat poets licking ass of the management
Backstabbed and thunder strike
The turncoats Tara Mc Towlin Ms E Fasthound
Angel Satanic Face , All Iam Just me all witch like
,Arswell Ian Bowel a Doc and such like
pretending to be lamb but really woflike
sean north trying to broker peace with his look alike
firoze shakir yoonus peerbocus love poetry hate racism
are beady eyed emaciated on a hunger strike
outside the shut doors of Poemhunter
a situation poemless very grimlike.
Flash News
Union leader Trade Martin has been released
but has promised to Reuers that he has faith in the American Judiciary and hopes for an amicable solution, this was confirmed by Liberal Pussy of Writers Union Hollywood.