Monday, November 12, 2007

Because I am brown my cousin is black

Because I am brown my cousin is black
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy

Because I am brown my cousin is black
You born white break our back
Right from the time when we
Worked on your sugar plantations
Under a whip that you cracked
The sun the heat the humidity
The swatting flies the muddy track
Burning memories painful nostalgia
Whack after whack
With our sweat blood and tears
You built your colonial palace
You and your white supremacist wolf pack
You kept us as slaves, manacled, chained
Asymmetrically our soul you did attack
Under the stars and stripes and the union jack
We the children of slaves make our comeback
Raw emotions that we cannot hold back
Our culture our civilization our traditions
With your white evangelism you did highjack
This poem is our passion on bleeding soundtrack
Our hope a candle flickering to light
Our world pitch black

Love Poetry Hate Racism

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