Friday, October 26, 2007

The Hijdas of Ajmer

The Hijdas of Ajmer
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1

beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
beauty skin deep soulfully singing
at ajmer ..
black tarnished skin ,
androgynously amorphous
a beauty that does not scare
or blaspheme the lord for wear and tear
a beauty held by a cosmetic charm
tweezer pulled , bleached waxed hair
two portuberance on a pectoral muscle to spare
silicone valley pomp and vanity fair
hijdas who lift their ghagras too dare
melifulous melancholy
no menstrual machinations to bare
baichuramata by the name of the Goddess
they swear
yes we are the proud race of Hijdas
betrothed to Aryavan they declare
married in the night and the next morning
broken bangles bloodied sindoor
death of the bridegroom and more unending despair
next April at Koovagam another conquest prepare
but it is Kwajah Garib Nawaz of Holy Ajmer
who loves us like orphaned children
answering our unanswered prayers
life has certainly been unfair,,
crippled body lusting for woman hood
a pain within a pain beyond repair
yes we are hijdas ..hermaphrodites transgendered , eunuchs
the invisible
the untouchables
searching for love and tender loving care.
that lies at the doorstep of the Khwajah
in the Rajasthani city of Ajmer

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