Sunday, August 26, 2007

paradoxical paroxysms of sleep

man a commodity buy and sell

very cheap no after sales service

breaks down buy another one the price not so steep

all models standing, shitting, sleeping

fornicating, defacating , all available at lifes toy store

very very cheap, bargain offer buy one and two you can keep.

man asleep well he has a window opening into a dream world to peep

two legged creature and a four legged leap ..the dust of his destiny he will sweep

what is not his , he will covet and keep..

if you reprimand him crocodile tears he will weep..

paradoxical paroxysms of sleep ...

as you sow so shall you reap...

man a mountain a molehill

on a garbage a heap.

Posted on 08/11/2006 2:36 AM

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