Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Figlio De Puttana

Figlio De Puttana
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1
photo courtesy google images

said marcos materazzi

Figlio de Puttana

son of a terrorist whore

your sister a prostitute

a possibility I wont explore

zidane the Algerian

blooded street fighter

french captain

let out a silencing roar

words sodomizing his honor

above country

he could not ignore

a Head Butt made famous

than the red card

that was in strore ..

asymmetrical warfare

an American arsenal

through Italian back door .

loss on penalties

a golden boot

no encore

zidanes mom wants materazzis balls on a platter

she will pound and crush them and at the French Riviera scatter

a French World cup dream

a red card shatters

hope in tatters

a eunched materazzis is all that matters

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