Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Butt Of Contention

photo courtesy google images,

Maraddonas Hand of God

Manly invention

Zidanes head butt

on Materazzi Oh Lord

utterly butterly bitterly


red carded , discarded

by Horacio Elizondo


the loss of France

the ungodly tension

in the history of Football

will have honorary mention

forever and ever

no cause for dissension and

a moment of madness beyond

my comprehension

what did Materazzi say to Zidane

you arab terrorist dog, by extension

your sister a prostitute

you a faggot minus errection

caused Zidane a major hypertension

than came the famous butt head

on Materazzis mid section

he fell to the ground

a ruddy complexion

Viva Italia the World Cup

Carnivorres Azzuris led by Lippi

a high end ascension

match fixing takes

a new dimension

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