Friday, September 15, 2017

Take me Home

Anger, love, confusion
Roads that go nowhere
I know that somewhere better
'Cause you always take me there

There is a story behind this picture that I must belatedly tell
heaven is a figment of mans life undernourished dreams
the only reality is this transit earthly lounge a living hell
what is his story who is he I shudder to tell why did he run
away from home because he was good for nothing his parents yelled he escaped flew over the cuckoos nest against torturous domesticity he rebelled ,,took a train ticket less to Mumbai to live out a dream..hunger gnawed at his entrails he was not too well blood sweat tears cold naked floor putrid uric smell ..
he was waiting there subconsciously that i would shoot him transfer his angst as a picture so you could explore his travails
his lonely journey ..caught in a web of a magical spell..

dedicated to this beautiful friend solace and serenity  sweet Mind Meld

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