Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Muslim Beggars Untouchables Of Muslim Society

i looked deep into her
eyes she held my
camera vision in a vice
she took me by surprise
begging on bakra eid
much before the goats
were  sacrificed ..waiting
for alms some generosity
compassion she stood
by the roadside ..her pain
within the cosmic darkness
of her hijab she tried to hide
misplaced muslim womanhood
now a beggar once a smiling
bride ..what is her story why
is she begging in silence
her tongue tied ,,forced to
beg because of calamitous
circumstances lost illusions
her dreams much before they
were born had prematurely died

qabool qabool qabool taken for a ride
triple talaq a sword hanging on her head
''Doth God exact day-labor, light deny'd,"

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube