Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Whippers Face

with his pregnant wife
two kids he moves about
the city whipping his back
earning alms with dignity
grace his trials sufferings
etched on his face i shot
avidly this struggling
denizen of a dying
human race ,,for his
survival with his family
he continues the chase
does he have dreams
does he have ideals
does he have other
inspirations i thought
to myself as his cause
i embraced will society
pull him in the mainstream
will it guide him address
his problems a tribal man
lost in an urban maze
but society is hypocritical
it has no heart for beggars
hijras only heart for cats
strays .. yes it is this society
where the poor was betrayed
to its whims fancies made to
clean gutters , clean toilets
kept in its  rightful place
the dhobhi the mochi the
chamar  the kinar .rights
reserved  humanity artfully
misplaced beguiled bemused
by society's ways yes separated
segregated dear friends that
is how it stays racism bigotry
is in its bloodstream in the
first place ,..for the rich the
powerful the affluent another
part of society enslaved
for equality oneness
the path to humanity
is wavering unpaved
if it was humanly possible
they would send the poor
the beggars back to the caves

to my friend anuj nair
who is back from a
dreamless wave

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