Sunday, May 25, 2014

Let Your Left Hand Not Know What Your Right Hand Is Giving

Most of my beggar pictures are shot at Bandra , mostly during the two Eids , this was shot at Bakra Eid 2009..

And during Eid after the namaz the Muslim beggars and even other beggarsdressed with a head scarf and a hijab stand for alms I know they are not Muslims but on this day every thing is forgiven..

Necessity is the mother of Invention and wearing the Hijab to beg is no big deal nowadays the Hijab is used by criminals to rob and steal, and everyone thsart wears a hijab and sits on the rocks off Carter Road pursuing their sexual escapade are not just Muslims .

The Niqab is the finest example and less cumbersome and used by most girls when they are out with their Romeos .

But I guess I am digressing this is a beggar post and it is about the tragedy of being a beggar on the streets ..

During Eid we have beggars knocking our doors asking for alms food , and than we have the Muslim white collar beggars with fat receipt books asking for more money to build a mosque or a Madrsa in Uttar Pradesh..

Than we have the Kashmiri migrant beggars pleading for help with their families and  half a dozen children it is sad.

You cant wish them away ..try as much as you want ..

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