Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Zanjirwale Bawa Welded in Steel Chains

in memory
of the fourth imam
sickly bedridden
zainul abedeen
survivor of karbala
son of hussain
witness to horrors
of yazidi inhumanity
humiliation of the
ladies of the house
of the holy prophet
tremendous pain
walked in chains
from karbala to
damascus ..he
did not complain
umayad caliphate
yazidi reign
a caliph insane
who forgot the
words hussain
o mini ana minal
hussain ..hussain
is from me i am
from hussain
every day is
ashura every
land karbala
gods own

As Zanjirwale bawa has welded the chains both on his legs arms , he does not bathe at all, but he does not stink and he hits his head against the wall .. emanating a fragrance of roses .. he carries a spearhead with which he hits head to the chant of ya hussain..
He is a Sunni born but Karbala is his reason to live ..

He is very fond of me and I have not met him since last three years ..

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