Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Tiranga Weeps On Independence Day .. Every Year

the roadside beggars
sell our beloved flag
our achievements
scams corruption
encounter killings
rising prices of all
food essentials
is there anything
else to brag...
sand stealing
destroying nature
police atrocities
lathi charging
shooting kids
on bikes
killing children
with midday meals
rapes a second
murder acid throwing
on women ,,brutalized
girl child dowry deaths
our progress we do not lag
after independence day
on streets gutters beneath
our feet we murder our
country's flag,,,treat it
worse than a house rag..

our countrys wealth
in the hands of corrupt
politicians bookies crooks
criminals godmen moneybags
yet as a beggarly poor nation
by the rich powers we are tagged

Happy 67 Independence Day...
not the beggar kids but those
in high places have sold out
our country our national flag

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