Sunday, August 19, 2012

Giving Lessons To A One Year Old On Street Photography

The camera does not teach photography, what you see from within becomes the soul of the camera when you gently hit the trigger and capture a lost elusive moment , so you brig back a dead moment to the thinking world .. this was my message in silence to my disciple one year old Nerjis Asif Shakir.

Marziya Shakir was my first attempt , at teaching photography not taught in classrooms , I taught Marziya life through slumkids beggars hijras goats cats dogs ..the cacophonous chaos,but with Nerjis Asif Shakir one year old it is speechless silence of the living death..

Marziya began shooting pictures at 2 on a crappy Nikon camera , Nerjis Asif Shakir shoots on Canon EOS 60D.. better optics better feel ..

And they are not going to become photographers with attitude , but learn the essence of humility from the camera lens.

I am teaching my grandkids larger picture of life from what I shoot and what they shoot ...we shoot the same currents the same photostream of of our life and our surroundings..

And this is the gist of picture taking on World Photography Day 2012 .to underage kids ...give a child a camera and he or she will have the world in his pockets..

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