Friday, May 11, 2012

I Learnt Photography Shooting Against The Light

i shot seamlessly what i had to shoot i shot the darkness at dawn in daylight.. cartier bressons decisive moment was not for me i shot against the light fuck the renaissance pompous pedantic fat assed rule makers fuck f stops alright ..i could not shoot sunsets sunrise ..i shot the poetry of pain i shot the poor whores in redlight areas i shot their weeping vaginas i shot the poetic plight of lost wombs torn by testicular might i shot the lost tribe of a lesser known god of the hijras i shot them in color a creaking cot a lance protruding from their backsides... fetid smell of dry semen as stains on the human consciousness respite ..i decided i will not manipulate the soul of what i saw no i will not shoot art black and whites i will not pretend to be god i will simply paint his underworld with light .

i shot the destiny of man lost illusions the urchin in his clenched fist empty air as piece of bread he tries to bite i am a fake poet may god smite Prometheus bound to my passion my pathos my soul in chains held tight ...a mouse instead of a pen with a single finger of a hand cut by a bleeding sword i write ...your world is beautiful my world dark the other side of google+ the other side of midnight

beggar poet wake up lead kindly light

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