Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shooting Clothesline ...Is a Poetic Expression of My Angst

Clothes define your character and when they hang on the line to dry they define the characteristics of your lifes social pattern....washing and drying the linen in public eye view narrates the drama of life..

And Like Balazac defined the people of a house by the exterior like Old Goriot in Human Comedie so also clothes hanging out to dry tell you a unique story too.

I was inspired to street photography by Charles Dickens he had a photographers vision and eye for detail be it Aunt Pegotty , Mr Micawber or the Fat Boy or my favourite Uriah Heep..

I try to find them on the streets I shoot , and this for me is street photography, my genre is documenting pain , shooting beggars , fakirs , possessed souls and hijras or eunuchs.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube