Wednesday, April 18, 2012

He accidentally jumped into my frame ...unwilling subject he became

All these years as a photographer affiliated to camera clubs but not any more I saw guys using heavy duty cameras , but I did not begrudge them I was never jealous, I was born without envy.. I had never touched a Canon DSLR.. never needed too I was happy shooting with Nikon for over 12 years now..

Than came the Canon EOS 7 D as gift to my grand daughter and passed on to me , I sold both my Nikon D 80s whatever Nikon shit I had ..I did not get a good price but I got rid of Nikon once and for all..
But I have just one camera body and that puts the fear of God in case it stops while I am shooting outdoors .. so I will have to buy a second camera and a lighter one so Marziya can use it too .. the vertical grip has made it very heavy but she manages because she loves the camera after her Barbie doll.

I am using Canon late in life but it is extremely fast like this shot I was trying to shoot the cart and I got this young kid..he wonders why the fuck I am shooting him..

This is my first blog 5.42 am I get up as though my mind is tuned to the Internet alarmclock..

I hate Google products and I say this as a matter of fact but I like Google+ and unlike the billions hooked to Facebook , Facebook fucked dependent I am not on Facebook.. dont have the urge to go back..unless Google+ shuts shop..

I prefer Google+ because it is a serious platform, I have never been into groups but at Google+ I am part of Jack C Crawfords core inner circle a beggar poet street photographer ...

And he gifted me a two year Flickr Pro account ...I had gone through rotten times but now they seem to be gradually eased out I am paying off my debts I suffered huge losses at my shop, I had to close it down and now work for another person as a showroom manager cum stylist..

I lost my freedom but I am getting back my self respect, we all go through bad times we learn ..and it is my turn to change the punctured wheels of destiny.

I can be anything but never a cheater a fraud or a crook, it is not part of my genes or my ancestry.. I am happy I met some good friends online and Dr Glenn Losack MD is one of them we are like two warring brothers he is an American Jew pompous and brash but we have been very close since 2008.. he is my extended family ..he is almost a Shia as much as I am a Jew.

He is godfather of all my three grand daughters and he treats them like his children , he has no children he is a precocious child himself.

When he comes home wife cooks his special bland stuff , and sometimes I confess I have added extra chilly and seen him howling cursing hot fire from his mouth and ass.. but he forgives me ..

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube