Monday, April 9, 2012

I Shoot The Fifth Station of The Cross Every Year From Levi Lobos House

Her mother had sever diabetes could not get up from the bed but gave me a smile and I prayed she recovers .. Levi Lobo I meet only once an year .. and most of the people I meet during the Lenten Walk I will never meet .. we go our different ways ..

But I keep their love faith perseverance of piety alive through my blogs ..and I maybe a non Christian but we do share in your pain , your devotion and today on Easter Day we share your spirit of Joy..

Out of the window of this house you can see a section of the crowd this passion play founded by Joe Dias of CSF and the Cross is in its glorious 25 years celebration..

What I got from the Christians as my schooling my upbringing I give back as pictures and the poetry of their Faith....their Faith strengthens my own Shia Faith too..

And as a Muslim I condemn attacks on this peaceful community in Kashmir and the neighboring country..we all have a fundamental right to our religion and it is important we dont abuse this right to live as humans.

When the Christians were attacked in Kandhamal Orrisa I wrote against it ,and if we dont stand up against oppression or persecution , the next time they will come for us too..

And every Muslim is not a Jehadi or a Terrorist , your parentage makes you what you are I had great parents both dead but what they sowed now grows as peace and hope on the soul of my grand children too.

My 4 year old grand daughter Marziya Shakir goes to a convent school and has shot St Peter Church and is highly respected by the Christians of my area..

Fr Jude Mascrenhas and the parish priest of St Peter Church Bandra Fr Jaun..are very fond of her and bless her each time I take her to shoot Jesus.. in their Courtyard.

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