Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Cathedral Where God Lives As a Human Among Humanbeings

I have always been fascinated by the church as a child , a dreamer I saw dreams , wordless as I sat in the Cathedral of Holy Name Wodehouse Road , my recess time my lunch break bought me here ,perhaps this was the earliest grounding inspiration of my becoming a photographer a poet and a photo blogger ...much late in life as the major part of my lifes journey was consumed by chronic alcoholism

And I came and sat here since 1963 .. being a Shia Muslim did not deter me , I had taken up Catechism instead of Moral Science because my parents had faith in me and trusted their decisions , I was a Muslim but got the highest marks in Catechism and than as I came to higher class I reverted to Moral Science and luckily those days I would sit talk on religion with Fr Leslie Ratus Fr Stephen Narzareth both deceased .. and in all these years neither did the priests or the school ever try to convert me to their religion or views .. and I am proud to say Christianity made me a good Muslim and a good Indian too.

So I shoot Jesus write Jesus poetry , shoot Good Friday and the 14 stations of the Cross , I pay my tribute to those that made me humble human and sensitive to other peoples pain..

Later on when I came to Bandra I met the Jesuits and began shooting St Peter Church Bandra , Fr Jaun my spiritual godfather parish priest helped me understand life and it was St Peter that became my parish..I shot other Bandra churches but I found peace at St Peter Church.I dont know why..

So this is my blog of peace during the Holy Week.. I shot the Cathedral of Holy Name in available light without using flash.. I shot my childhood my school memories and I shot my rebirth too as a beggar poet of Mumbai .. a Shia Hindu a Dam Madar Malang too

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube