Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Shia Back Cries

blood flowing
the world of a terrorism
on the sands of karbala
where the soul
of Imam Hussain lies
his memories
that overflow
the ponds in our eyes
hussain is humanity
a great sacrifice
tabbarah that
is our reply
cursing the killers
of our beloved Imam
to save the pillars of Islam
paid a great price
yazid who played
a political game
with a loaded dice
father of terrorism
just wont suffice
butcher of karbala
son of satan
burning in the
fires of hell
for his unforgivable crimes
to surmise
moharam a banner of revolt
against terrorism
1400 year old to be precise
muslims love killing muslims
to be truly concise
fragmented soul of Islam
by the radicals
with an evil device

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