Sunday, October 16, 2011

Had I Posted My Pictures at Blogspot Instead of Flickr You WouldSeeThem After a Week

208,888 items / 1,709,763 views

Simply because Blogspot where I have my blog , and where I post a few blogs has a dreaded tool call Word Verification after 15 posts I have to enter a code to complete my blog that I think is a real pain specially as I type with one finger I have a permanently damaged right hand.. so lately I had stopped posting at Blogspot completely but than I began my blogging at Blogspot I had two old accounts I deleted when my site was hacked at Buzznet.

I had deleted over 11000 blogs from all my accounts and was disillusioned with blogging and getting attacked by rough elements ..

Flickr changed all that I think I believe there is no better platform for a photographer or a blogger like Flickr provided you have a Pro account that allows you to cross blog and post unlimited pictures for US $25..Even my Photographerno 1 .Wordpress site I removed from public view.. I have just my Hijras of India blog at Wordpress .Hijras of India..

2 Blogs at Blogspot Firoze Shakir Poet .I post some blogs here ..
Photographer no 1 that I dont update at all..

My other two new blogs at Blogspot are of my grand daughters Marziya Shakir Youngest Street Photographer and Nerjis Asif Shakir.. I have left them their memories that will live even after I am gone..

But all their pictures , my blogs on culture , occult ,mysticism ritualism , Sufism Shiasm Hinduism, my poems my street photography originates at

I have over 200000 blogs at all my pictures are in a photo stream and sets and collections on the various subjects I have shot till date in 4 years.

Even the Pro membership has been gifts of people who liked my pictures and my humility as a photographer and as a blogger..

What I hate at Blogspot are the hateful words that condemn me as a Positive Spam..... Blogger says that this blog has been rate-limited. Please try again later.

It turns me off I dont have such punishment or reprimands at to all new comers bloggers photographers I completely recommend even as an ordinary membership that is Free you get a platform and are visible to the rest of the cyber world.

So now I register Flickr as my homesite my primary site even at Blog forums like Indi Bloggers and

And without trying to sound boastful I have 15000 to 20000 visitors on my Flickr site as my Blog stats show .. and this is only because there are more viewers for my Hijra sets here at Flickr than any other set ..

Only one of my hijra picture that is of a hijra bar dancer doing cabaret at the Hijra Samelan has had over 200000 views ..

1,709,763 views on my Flickr site till date .. Thank You All.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube