Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Peace Loving Marathi People I Shoot

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when i meet them on my route
give me mumbai any day
keep your shanghai your beirut
for your petro dollars
your riyals dirhams
i care two hoots
gandhi in my pocket
scams corruption
its our leaders that
our beloved country loot
white clothes
'soul covered in soot
Rolex on their hands
Italian boots
the money making
tree belongs to them
we water it
we nurture it
they however eat
its golden fruits
a political system
by the people of the
people for the people
gone kaput
common man
ki ma ki ..... toot

toot as in : to cause to sound

: to blow or sound an instrument (as a horn) especially so as to produce short blasts

a poetic thought
to transmute

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