Saturday, April 30, 2011

Da Mir Pan Zlatko and The Beggar Poet of Mumbai

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I have to pull my shalwar leg up as it causes great pain to the wound on my leg, and it is very uncomfortable hurting pain .

And I have started carrying my antique silver stick to hit anyone who gets on my nerves , I have become irritable annoying and grouchy all her fault.

The heat humidity in Mumbai is as bad as Hell I change my T twice a day, as it is totaly drenched when I come back from work.

These are new pictures I had shot in the last few days that I am uploading at Flickr..

The newspapers have written about Damir and Zlatko.. which is a nice gesture and a sweet memory to take home as a blogger their story will always be on Flickr Facebook and Twitter..blogged by me.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube