The Artist shot by an Artist- Mr K G Maheshwari, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
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shot by Mr KG Maheshwari
model late Mr B W Jatkar
“No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did he would cease to be an artist.”
Oscar Wilde
the photographer
the artist
the poet
mutually co exist
the soul
of a human canvas fit
beauty that the maker lit
his creation
more creatively they transmit
a part becomes a whole
even if you see a little bit
a thin line of demarcation
a circle of confusion
between the witless and the wit
one bequeaths a heritage
while the witless says I quit
Dedicated to Mrs BW Jatkar..a brave lady who faced the odds and was a sheet anchor to a great man Mr BW Jatkar....she faced all the storms and stood by him..may God give her the strength to bear this irreparable loss with the rest of her family..