Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gods House Is Not Just Made of Concrete And Bricks

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god hardly needs house of concrete and bricks
he lives in the heart of the rich poor and the sick
gods house is burned down bombed by the manic
burning the soul of its very fabric in his name
more people are killed destroyed by the fanatic
god s greatest enemy is the believer of god
not the atheist goddess lover or the gnostic
its only when a natural calamity takes place
we become human forget all thoughts ethnic
catastrophic karmic seismic man more than any devil
or evil spirit by his thoughts his deeds most satanic
it was a picture i shot or a poem my thoughts
began to click,., god is unseen but the most photogenic
all this would not matter much this way or that way
to the mind of the skeptic this picture is dedicated
to my good friend Eric from Toronto photo quick
from a barefeet bejewlled blogger mystic
50% human 50% tantric a shia hindu remix

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