GSB Seva Mandal Where God Comes Down To Earth, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.
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all roads
lead to kings circle
a karmic circle
above all things
abode of the lord
of the lords
the king of kings
around him
behind him
in front of him
head bowed
on a sitar string
the gaud saraswat
brahmin soulfully
sings removing
you a new life
great many things
with tears in my eyes
i write this
even to this
beggar muslim
hope he brings
a pendulum of fate
that evenly swings
a turban on his head
barefeet shooting
hope and hindutva
as message of peace
master of the rings
mutual coexistence
is the core
of all
living things
a life well lived
does not bother
about any other thing
the soul smiles
as it peacefully
on Lord GSB 's wings
Dedicated to Dr Bhujang Pai and his family who has always helped me in my time of need , Mr KG Shenoy and Mr Dinesh Pai without them I could have never shot the Lord Year after year in humility and gratitude..