Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Picture Thought For Fred

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Uncle please take
my picture he said
to bring back memories
of the school days
of your Pune friend Fred
now settled in Texas
I bet 'he too liked to get wet
buying jeera goli kairi
picking up badams
from the street
a childhood
the games the bunking
will he ever forget
senior miller
his dad at worli
the huge hoardings
earning his daily bread
this was a lesson in humility
said his dad fred
in life dont ever
get a swollen head
see that your feet
fit the chaddar
dont over reach the bed
fred whatever you do
whatever you become
you will always be in lifes debt
remember showing
him a hoarding of nargis dutts
mother India that he was working on
this is true love of the country
you were born in
into your heart and soul
like a banyan tree 'it will spread
nodding his head our fred
his bat his ball
along with the chokra boys
of worli fred fled

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