Tuesday, July 27, 2010

There is Hope at the End of a Beggars Bowl

stumps for hands
as her body rusts
her saving grace
yes she believes
in jesus
she is maria
the leper lady
of boran road
much ado
no fuss
with alms
in her
beggrs bowl
she educated
her daughter
her grand children thus
though what hurts
me her daughter
a beggar too
what could be worse
born as human
on the face of earth
we carry a
karmic curse
who live on
the benevolence
of another mans purse
when the time comes
a number tag on the toe
looking skywards
in the hearse

If I stop shooting pictures and this is not an empty boast rotate my old street pictures at Flickr I could be posting new pictures everyday, pictures I shot as blanks no text whatsoever ..never had the time to pen my pain on them..

A lot of pictures I had no time to add detail or title or description and these pictures I am in a way re posting as my new poem or thought.

I am not highly educated nor bookish but I mange with a handful of words in the growing like weeds in the river bed of my head.

I am a street photographer first posturing my soul as a street poet.

My camera and not my head creates poetry my poetry creates pictures ..

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube