Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shabbarat A Soul Remembered

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Baluchi grave at Rehmatabad Shia cemetery Mazgaon..

This is a grave of a person of Baluchi origins and their graves are built with Iranian tiles,,
I have always had a special respect for the person buried in the grave..a cosmic reality here and not here ..

death painlessly dies
when it comes
touches man
gently closes his eyes
taking him
once again
in the womb
of mother earth
muddy fragrance
monsoonal showers
as tears from the skies
on shabbarat they come
in hordes to the cemetery
to recite the fatiah
see that this relative
reaches jannat our paradise
this poem did not exist
when I posted this picture
it took time to arise
from the corridor of my mind
into the soul of a dead man
could not be otherwise
the tide kisses the shores
of destiny only time flies
its the camera that
captures eternity
a picture just
a poem in disguise

27 July 2010

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