Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Shot in the Dark

Poem to Kelly Daugherty

Kelly Daugherty
"divine love is never bad ,for it does not know what it is to be so"

Says the Cosmic Poet
divine love has lost its shine

its become water first it was wine

love now the domain of swines

Kelly Daugherty
not in my soul, sweets. It still is alive!

Kelly Daugherty
and if it is in me, it is in all.

Kelly Daugherty
it is the sweetest, warm, engaging bliss which starts in the heart and rises up through the top of the head.

Kelly Daugherty
I know what we are. No one can tell me different.

Says the Cosmic Poet

it is hate
that the world of love
lovers walking
on death mines ...
language of silence
emoting through signs
pain misery on parallel lines
as fate sits in a corner
wheezes and whines
burnt wasteland
purple haze acid rain
weeping skylines
domed coastlines
a world of love
a rape victim
called Peace

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