Monday, May 10, 2010

New Don Khush Hua

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The story so far ,..

The ricksha in the picture was the vehicle used to kill Informer bhai in a road accident on Hill road , but luckily the killers were drunk and a bit slow they killed a stray dog instead of the intended victim , whose supari they had got from the Rival Don..

Supari means contract killing..

When New Don the dwarf mafiosi of Mumbai came to know about this dastardly deed he immediately mowed the ricksha with his silver sedan at Carter Road..

The assassins of Informer bhai were lucky they escaped into the waters I am told ..

New Don wanted me to pose with him near the smashed up ricksha and told me to see that the picture was published in Mumbai Mirrror a lesson for all rival dons that the New Don means business.

But Mumbai Mirror being into Page 3 kind of stuff and their journos dont shoot such pedestrian stuff I thought I would post this at Flickr and Facebook Wordpress and Blogspot and Twitter too which has a greater reach than a regional newspaper like Mumbai Mirror.

New Don was satisfied ..

New Don Khush Hua

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